
How to Use the useReducer Hook in React

In this article, we'll take a deep look at the useReducer hook in React. It can look confusing, especially if you are coming across the hook for the first...

Timothy Olanrewaju - freecodecamp

Code A Chess Game with AI Opponent

Are you interested in combining your love for chess with your passion for coding? We just posted a comprehensive video course on the YouTube...

Beau Carnes - freecodecamp

What are Higher Order Functions in JavaScript? Explained With Examples

JavaScript offers a powerful feature known as higher order functions (HOFs). These functions elevate your code by treating other functions as citizens of the...

Joan Ayebola - freecodecamp

How to Build a Realtime Chart with React, HighCharts, and Pusher

In today's tutorial, you are going to learn about WebSockets and how you can use them to create interactive realtime data applications. To illustrate just...

Andrew Baisden - freecodecamp

Combining CSS :has() And HTML <select> For Greater Conditional Styling

Amit Sheen demonstrates using `:has()` to apply styles conditionally when a certain `` in a `` element is chosen by the user and how we gain even more conditional styling...

Amit Sheen - smashingmagazine


What is Throttling in JavaScript? Explained with a Simple React Use Case

Welcome back, fellow developers! Today, we are once again delving into JavaScript and Web Development and learning about throttling. As a developer, making...

Kunal Nalawade - freecodecamp

Building opinionated products

Focusing on your vision, applying your values, and knowing who you’re building for.Continue reading on UX Collective »

Avi Siegel - cc/feed

How to archive your design system effectively

Why preserving design decisions, not visual components, matters mostContinue reading on UX Collective »

Kai Wong - cc/feed

A “single source of truth”-and other Design System lies

Truth as shared responsibility.Continue reading on UX Collective »

Kevin Muldoon - cc/feed

Supercharge accessibility with Sidekick from Stark

Tom Green - cc/feed


How to Run SQL-Like Queries on C/C++ Files

Hello everyone! I'm a Software engineer who's interested in low-level programming, compilers, and tool development. At the end of 2023, I published my first...

Amr Hesham - freecodecamp

Is ⌘ + C the new design process?

Pascal Potvin - cc/feed

The rise of Generative AI-driven design patterns

Connor Joyce - cc/feed

Designing for change: understanding behaviour change theory

Letitia Rohaise - cc/feed


From Construction Worker to Teaching Millions of Developers with John Smilga [Podcast #122]

On this week's episode of the podcast, I interview prolific programming teacher John Smilga. John grew up in the Soviet Union. He worked construction for 5...

Quincy Larson - freecodecamp

How to Use DefaultDict in Python

Throughout my time working with datasets in Python, the dictionary has been my most used data structure. It’s versatile and easy to use. Need to count...

Gage Schaffer - freecodecamp

How to Create Your Personalized GitHub Profile Page – GitHub Profile README Guide

Have you ever wanted to spruce up your GitHub profile page and make it stand out? Well, you're in luck! With just a few simple steps, you can create a...

Sahil Mahapatra - freecodecamp

Code a Full Stack Fiverr Clone

We just posted a course available now on the YouTube channel. This comprehensive tutorial will walk you through the process of building a...

Beau Carnes - freecodecamp

How I interview product designers

Ted Goas - cc/feed

Beyond “done”— prioritizing quality in product experiences

Luke Anthony Firth - cc/feed

Is your organization solving the real problem?

Patrick Sharbaugh - cc/feed